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    Things to do

    Lecce and Salento

    In order to get around you can choose:
    Access the relevant websites to find information about the different routes, schedules, and to get any other necessary information.
    Lecce is a baroque city, full of art, history and culture. The center is full of artisan shops, bars, restaurants, architectural sights, and ancient nineteenth-century noble palaces, with their charming courtyards and balconies. The Amphitheater and the Roman theater, “Il Sedile” (The chair), the Basilica di Santa Croce, the Duomo and the Bishop’s Palace, the Celestini Palace, the former Monastery of the Theatines, the former Convent of the Augustinians, the former Sant'Anna Conservatory, with its imposing 18-meter-high Ficus tree, the Castle of Charles V, the city walls, and the numerous small churches throughout the historic center.
    Thanks to the strategic position of the B&B "Toma Street", its close vicinity to both the bus stops and the railway station, it will be very easy to visit the beautiful countryside, where the uncontaminated nature offers breathtaking landscapes, then moving on to the most beautiful beaches of Salento, and to the most famous tourist sites and seaside resorts all over Apulia.

    P.IVA: 04957670757


    Via Gioacchino Toma, 9
    Lecce - Italy
    (0039) 335-5639326
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